Datastage Interview questions with Answers

Datastage is an Extract, Transform and Load ( ETL ) tool from IBM and part of their IBM InfoSphere. Here I have collected more than 70 interview questions with their answers about Datastage. Download Complete IBM Datastage Interview questions PDF. All these questions are frequently asked ones and better prepare all these before attending your Datastage interview . You can also refer Datastage Tutorials and PDF training materials.

DataStage is “ETL tool, which extracts data, transforms it and applies business rules and then loads it to any target.” According to Wikipedia, “IBM InfoSphere DataStage is an ETL tool and part of the IBM Information Platforms Solutions suite and IBM InfoSphere. It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions and is available in various versions such as the Server Edition, the Enterprise Edition, and the MVS Edition.”

  • Prepare for this first question very well. Introduction about IBM Datastage tool
    6_What is DataStage
  • There are mainly two tools used for the same purpose. Informatica and Datastage. Let us prepare the main difference bewteen these two ETL tools
    2_What is the difference between DataStage and Informatica
  • A sure questions ie about the main components of datastage
    3_What are the components of Ascential Data Stage
  • Question about System variables
    4_What are System variables
  • 5_What are the enhancements made in datastage 75 compare with 70
  • About Merage
    7_What is a merge
  • About Sequencers
    8_What are Sequencers
  • Introduction about version COntrol in Datastage
    9_What is version Control
  • Another important Datastahe interview question about Active Stage and Passive stage
    10_What is Active and Passive Stage
  • Question about Datastage features11_What are the main features of datastage
  • About Data aggregation
    12_Define data aggregation

General knowledge level Zoology questions and answers for Interview , Test , Exams

Here is a list of 53 Zoology questions with their answers. These questions will be useful for facing interview or for preparing Zoology test or exam. Download Zoology Questions PDF file

Most of the entrance exams for B.Tech , MBBS etc and tests for Government job vacancies will contain Zoology questions as part. So it will be useful to prepare these questions and answers for facing those exams and improving your general knowledge level.

  • 54_BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from
  • 53_Which of the following vitamins is synthesised in the body by intenstinal bacteria
  • 52_For which one among the following diseases no vaccine is yet available
  • 51_Which one of the following disease is Inheritable
  • 50_BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from
  • 49_Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria
  • 48_For which one among the following diseases no vaccine is yet available
  • 47_Which one of the following disease is Inheritable
  • 46_Which of the following disease is not a caused by viruses
  • 45_What is the pH level of blood of a normal person
  • 44_A typical human ribcage consists of how many ribs
  • 43_In which one of the following animals is skin a respiratory organ
  • 42_Which one of the following is responsible for converting milk into curd
  • 41_Which one of the following is a vitamin
  • 40_Which chamber of human heart pumps fully oxygenated blood to aorta and hence to the body
  • 39_Which one of the following bacteria helps in improving the soil fertility
  • 38_In which one of the following animals is respiration done by skin
  • 37_Which one of the following parts of the pitcher plant becomes modified into a pitcher
  • 36_Production of which one of the following is a function of the liver
  • 35_Which one of the following part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting

Important Oracle Interview Questions with Answers

Here is a list of 60 interview questions about Oracle Database with their answers. The list contains questions useful for basic, freshers and experienced oracle professionals. Download Complete Oracle Interview Questions PDF. Each question contains their answer also. Its a good practice to go through all of these questions before attending the interview.

  • Expect this as the first question, if you are a fresher. Prepare answer for an introduction about Oracle
    2_What is Oracle table
  • Question about Clusters
    3_What are Clusters
  • Index in database. This is an important section that you should prepare well.
    4_What is an Index
  • What is called as Views in RDBMS. What are the uses
    5_What are the advantages of views
  • Tell about various types of queries that you know
    6_What are the various types of queries
  • Clusterd and non-clusterd index
    7_What is the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index
  • Introduction about Table Space
    8_What is a Tablespace
  • 9_Why use materialized view instead of a table
  • 10_What does ROLLBACK do
  • 11_Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table
  • 12_what is null value
  • 13_Define transaction
  • 14_what is the difference between sql&oracle
  • 15_What are different Oracle database objects
  • 16_What is hash cluster
  • 17_What is a User_exit
  • 18_What is schema
  • 19_What are Roles
  • 20_What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces
  • 21_What is a SNAPSHOT
  • 22_What is a database instance
  • 23_What are parameters
  • 24_What are the different file extensions that are created by oracle reports
  • 25_What are clusters

Most important Cognos Interview Questions and Answers

Here is a list of 60 important and commonly asked interview questions for Cognos ( A reporting tool developed by IBM ). Download Complete Cognos Interview Questions PDF file. Cognos is one of the great tools to analyze the data from data warehouse. If you looking for the resources to learn online refer our Cognos Tutorials and PDF guides. Now let us look into those questions.

  1. Prepare for the first interview question anout the Cognos Tool. They will ask what is that tools or tell the tool in a few words like that
    2_What is Cognos Reporting tool
  2. What is called a Cognos Connection
    3_What is Cognos Connection
  3. What is called a report item in Cognos
    4_What is Report item
  4. What is called a filter. For which purpose you are going to use that
    5_Define filter
  5. What is meant by a query subject.
    6_What is query subject
  6. Tell me about different types of prompt
    7_What are the types of prompt in Cognos
  7. Have you header about Drill Through? What is that?
    8_What is Drill Through
  8. Name the Report Net components
    9_What are the components of Report Net
  9. Difference between Content store and content manager
    10_What is difference between content store and content manager
  10. What is Embedded filter and stand alone filter. What are the differences ?
    11_What is the difference between Stand–alone and Embedded filter
  11. Have you header about Cognos 8 BI
    12_Define Cognos 8 BI
  12. Tell me about folfer types in Cognos
    13_What are the different types of folders
  13. What is a standalone folder
    14_Explain standard folders
  14. What is a package folder
    15_Explain package folders
  15. What is a metrics folder
    16_Explain metrics folders
  16. What is macros and promot? what are the difference between them?
    17_What is the difference between macros and prompt
  17. What is called a transformer in Cognos?
    18_What is transformer
  18. Tell me about catalog and various types of catalogs
    19_What is catalog and types of catalogs in cagonos
  19. Expect a question about Cardinality
    20_What is Cardinality
  20. Question about Security Module
    21_What is the security module used in cognos
  21. Generating cubers procedure
    22_How to generate cubes in cognos
  22. Snapshot in Cognos
    23_What is snapshot
  23. Expect questions about Datastores
    24_Define datastores in Cognos
  24. Question about Metric store database
    25_What is metric store database
  25. 26_What is Report item
  26. Tell me about View and materialized view.
    27_What is difference between view and materialized view
  27. Question about Data Mart and Data warehouse ( One of the important question )
    28_What is difference between data mart and data warehouse
  28. DTM
    29_What is DTM
  29. Have you used repository manager in Cognos ? What are the uses ?
    30_What are the different uses of a repository manager
  30. Cascading Prompts
    31_What are cascading prompts

Important Data Structures Interview Questions with Answers

Here is a list of important interview questions about Data structures ( with answers ).Download Complete PDF file.Data Structures are the main basics of computer programming like C++ . It is one the important theory part for programming related courses. And every programmer needs be very thorough about the data structures. In most of interviews related programming, they will ask questions regarding various data structures. Now let us look into the questions.

  1. You need to know about the basic definition and introduction about Data structure. They will ask like what is Data structure like that.2_What is data structure
  2. Next prepare the answer for question about Linked List3_What is a linked list
  3. Now let us expect a question about Binary Tree23_what is binary tree
  4. One of the most important structure ‘Queue’. Surely there will be a question regarding queue and stack for your interview
    4_What is a queue
  5. Introduction about Spanning Tree
    5_What is a spanning Tree
  6. What is mean by precision in Data structures.
    6_What is precision
  7. Why you are using data structures and what are the goals?
    7_What are the goals of Data Structure
  8. Important difference between a queue and array ( Another Important question )
    8_What is the difference between a Stack and an Array
  9. Question about Sequential search
    9_What is sequential search
  10. What are the main disadvantages of Array implementation of linked list
    10_Disadvantages array implementations of linked list

Test Cases and Template Introduction with Example

In Software Development , we need to check each functionality or events in the developing product to make sure it fulfills the actual requirements.

Test Cases are the set of conditions or variables for checking this. For each scenarios there will be test cases, and these set of conditions are planned by the tester. See the test case & templates sample pdf files

For example ,in our apllication to test, there is an option to enter 2 numbers and a button to show the sum of those two numbers . So what are the things we need to check? When pressing the button, if the numbers are not entered then a warning message should show. Second our program needs to check entered numbers are valid numbers or not. Then the result will show.

A test case contains different fields ( data )for storing the test cases report for a clear reference . The structure of this test case is known as template. This template is also known as a test case template. It may vary as per companies and tools. Here is a sample test case template with data for the above mentioned testing.

  • Test case ID : WM005
  • Test case description : Verify the Addition function button pressing and result
  • Related requirement(s) : User already logged in
  • Test Procedure :
    • Enter numbers in two text boxes
    • Press the addition button
  • Test Data :
    • For 1st Input box : 0.5, 1,2,1000000,1000.000, -1,-10000, -0.5, abcd, -abcd, -0.abcd, -abcd.00
    • For second input box : for 1st Input box : 0.5, 1,2,1000000,1000.000, -1,-10000, -0.5, abcd, -abcd, -0.abcd, -abcd.00
  • Expected Result :
    • It should show the correct result if entered values are valid numbers
    • It should show warning message , if entered value is not a valid number
    • It should show warning message, if we are not entered values in both boxes.
  • Actual Result :
    • If we entered valid numbers, it showing correct sum of those numbers
    • If we entered inavlid numbers, it showing warning message
    • If we press the button without entering number, nothing happens
  • Status : Fail
  • Author : Bob
  • Date of creation : 05/05/2014

From this simple test case template , I hope you understand very well about “what is a Test case template” and “what are the test cases” contained in that. This template and cases will be different a sper our product functionality and other things. The test cases can be stored simply in a excel sheet or database.See the additional informations that can be contained in a test case are.
Software Test cases and templates
Most of the companies  have their own test case templates according to the tools used. Its a must to keep their CMMi level standard. Template can contain other additional datas like remarks/ suggestions, browser user for testing etc.

PDF Reference
