10 basic things to follow for better WordPress SEO , more visitors and revenue

Simply having a wordpress blog and showing advertisements won’t earn anything for you. For that you need to get more visitors and page views. Visitors from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo will be more beneficial for higher earnings. So for attaining higher traffic from search engines your site should be optimized for search engines. This is what is called as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Large websites and corporates are normally consult with SEO companies or experts for optimize their website. But the fact is that, you can do it yourself by following some guidelines and practices.


When you build your blog, take care the following things

Fast loading server hosting (More CPU, More RAM) will boost your website loading speed. Website load time is an important factor for good positions in search engines like Google.

Select SEO friendly and fast loading template for your site. You need to check your template is responsive for mobile phones, loading fast and readable fonts.

Optimized url structure. In wordpress admin using permalinks you can change the url structure with postname instead of post id.It will look something like blog.com/blog-seo-tips instaed of blog.com/?p=11 .

Use Plugins to boost page speed and SEO

There are several wordpress plugins available to increase your site speed and SEO. Here I am reffering only few of them. And always care not add a lot of unnecessary plugins.It will reduce the speed of the site.

Plugins for Speed boosting (use any one of the following)

  • wp super cache plugin
  • w3 total cache plugin

Plugins for Basic SEO (use any one of the following)

  • Yoast SEO
  • All in one SEO

Social Media Sharing & Engagement

  • User engagement and social media sharing is another factor for a better search engine position. For this , you need to complete the following things
  • Create a Facebook page for your blog
  • Create a twitter page for your blog
  • Create a Google Plus page for your blog
  • Create a linkedin page for your site
  • Add social media sharing buttons in your post & page templates ( you can do this manually or using some wordpress plugins like sharethis )
  • Add follow, like buttons for the official pages you created in twitter, Google+,facebook etc

When you post a new article on your blog, you need to take care the following things

Proper title: Title should contain the keywords that people going to use in search engines to find the topic. Also title shouldn’t overload with keywords and length. See the sample here

  • Good title: How to optimize wordpress site easily for better traffic in 10 steps
  • Bad title: Optimize wordpress site , SEO for wordpress site, how to get more traffic to wordpress site

Proper content: Content is the King and prime factor for a successful blog.You content should contain keywords (but never overloaded). Your content should be lengthy. Google hate low content pages. Try to add more values to your content by adding relevant pictures or videos etc. Never ever simply copy and paste the contents form other websites. It will punish your entire website rankings.

Share the newly created post on your social pages created in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.

These are the basic things that every bloggers should follow for better search engine visibility and rankings for their blogs. Without traffic blogs are not going to earn anything. More traffic more income, in other way “Better SEO -> More Traffic -> More revenue”.

Apart from these steps and guidelines, there are many other things involved in SEO like link building, page authority, proper site architecture etc. I will explain about Advanced SEO tips for WordPress Blogs in another article.

I am again repeating the must do things for better traffic for your wordpress blog in short.

  1. Use high speed hosting
  2. Use only fast loading and responsive templates
  3. Permalinks with postnames
  4. Create social pages for website
  5. Use plugin for content cache
  6. Use plugin for wordpress SEO
  7. Add social sharing buttons to your site
  8. Always put proper title with keyword
  9. Write lengthy, unique and high quality content.
  10. Share the posts in your social media profiles and pages




