PHP Tutorial – Easy Online Learning For Beginners

PHP Tutorial – Part 1 : Introduction

  1. What is PHP and Full form of PHP ?
  2. How a PHP program look like
  3. echo in PHP
  4. Variable Declarations in PHP

PHP Tutorial – Part 2 :Operators

  1. Arithmetic calculation operators in php
  2. PHP Value Assignment Operators
  3. Comparison Operators in PHP programming
  4. Logical Operators in PHP programming
  5. Bitwise Operators in PHP

PHP Tutorial – Part 3 :String handling

  1. Concatenate strings in PHP using concatenation operator
  2. strlen() – PHP string length function
  3. strpos() – PHP string first occurance position
  4. PHP trim() – Remove whitespace from string
  5. PHP explode() – split a string by string into array

PHP Tutorial – Part 4 :Conditional Statements

  1. if statement
  2. else statement
  3. elseif statement
  4. Nested if statements
  5. Switch case

PHP Tutorial – Part 5 : Control Structure Statements

  1. Break statement
  2. Continue statement

PHP Tutorial – Part 6 :Loops

  1. while loop
  2. do while loop
  3. for loop programming

PHP Tutorial – Part 7 :Array

  1. Array
  2. foreach array statement
  3. PHP array_key_exists – checking a key exist in array
  4. PHP search in array

PHP Tutorial – Part 8 : File Operation

  1. include file
  2. fopen() – opening, creating a file
  3. fwrite() – writing to a file
  4. fread() – reading a file
  5. File Upload in PHP

PHP Tutorial – Part 9 : Useful Functions

  1. Adding line break
  2. call function
  3. $_GET function with forms
  4. $_POST function with forms
  5. cookie
  6. session
  7. date
  8. PHP mail() – send email
  9. PHP htmlentities() – convert characters to html entities
  10. PHP html_entity_decode – convert to characters

PHP Tutorial – Part 10 :Sample Codes & Projects

  1. Fibonacci Series printing
  2. A Prime Number list generation script
  3. PHP wordwrap function
  4. Split a string and store into an array
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