for in PHP loop programming

for statement is also used to make looping in PHP programming. Its structure is bit more complex than the other loop statements like “while”.

Its structure will look like

for ( expression 1 ; expression 2 ; expression 3 )
// Operation statements

In “for statement”

  • expression 1 will evaluate before the beginning of loop
  • expression 2 will evaluate before the beginning of each iteration
  • expression 3 will evaluate at the end of each iteration

See the sample program with for statement in PHP

for ($i=0 ; $i < 10 ; $i++)
echo $i." ";

Its output will be
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In this example the first expression ($i=0) will execute before the “for loop”.
Then it will execute the second expression ($i < 10) before each iteration.
At the end of each iteration third expression ($i++) will execute.

The expressions with “for statement” can be empty.
See this PHP program will give the same output like the previous example

for ( ; $i < 10 ; $i++)
echo $i." ";

Its output will be :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

And we can see that the first expression is empty in “for statement”.

One thought on “for in PHP loop programming”

  1. I dont think PHP for statement’s syntax is that much complex.Comparing with our statements it may.Personally I like to prefer for statement in my PHP programming.Its really good have all the required expressions within a single statements itself rather than the use of several other variables and unwanted checking.

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