Domain Testing in Software Development

What is Domain Testing

Domain testing is the most frequently described test technique. Some authors write only about domain testing when they write about test design. Also read pdf tutorials about domain based testing. The basic notion is that you take the huge space of possible tests of an individual variable and subdivide it into subsets that are (in some way) equivalent. Then you test a representative from each subset. This type of testing also known as equivalence testing or boundary analysis.


Domain testing is a technique for testing software in which a minimum number of inputs are used to test the output of a system, to be sure that the system does not accept invalid and input values that are out of range.

It is one of the essential white box testing methods. Its major objective is to confirm if the system accepts input within the acceptable range and delivers the output that is needed. It equally confirms that inputs, indices, and conditions that are outside the valid or specified range are not accepted by the system.

Is domain knowledge needed for domain testing?

Some may say this is not necessary. But it is quite difficult for anyone to perform effectively or efficiently in a terrain he/she is not conversant with. If one is to do well, therefore, as a domain tester, there is the need to have basic domain knowledge. Now, let’s look at a few reasons why this is important.

  • Online banking: Some of the basic things that a tester needs to test as far as online banking is concerned are login, bill payment, transfers, and lots more. A tester might require essential testing knowledge in order to login. However, doing bill payments and transfers require that the tester has to be an expert in the subject matter. He has to be conversant with the business logic on money flow.
  • Retail: Examples of retail domains are Enterprise management, In-store solutions, and Warehouse management. In order to successfully run a domain test, the tester has to have an understanding of how things flow at each level. For instance, you need to know some things regarding a POS before you can successfully run a test on it.
  • Healthcare system: how would someone who has no knowledge of the system handle it? He will certainly be a big risk to someone’s life.

Where is domain knowledge needed?

Domain knowledge for effective domain testing is needed in the following key areas:

  • Mobile application testing
  • Protocol testing
  • Network testing
  • VoIP applications
  • Wireless application testing
  • Banking applications

Skills needed for domain testing

If your dream is to be a good domain tester, you need to acquire some important skills. These skills include

  • Testing skill
  • Domain knowledge
  • Automation skill
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Bug hunting skill
  • Programming skill
  • Communication skill
  • Technical skill
  • Quick grasping


Domain testing requires that testers should have basic knowledge in the domain they are to test in order to be able to perform effectively.

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