VIRADOC SAP table for – RE Document Header

Here we would like to draw your attention to VIRADOC table in SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP RE-FX (Flexible Real Estate Management in RE) component which is coming under RE module (Real Estate Management). VIRADOC is a SAP standard transp table used for storing RE Document Header related data in SAP. It comes under the package RE_RA_CA.


Table VIRADOC technical data

Data storingRE Document Header
Sub ModuleRE-FX-RA
Delivery ClassA – Application table (master and transaction data)
Table CategoryTRANSP

SAP VIRADOC Table Fields

Here is the details of each fields in this SAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in VIRADOC table.

  • MANDT : Client
    Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3
  • .INCLUDE : Key Fields of RE Document Header
    Its a key field.
  • DOCGUID : GUID: Unique Internal Key for RE Document
    Its a key field. Its data type is RAW (Byte string) with field length 16
  • .INCLUDE : Contents of RE Document Header
  • .INCLUDE : RE Posting Record ID
  • PSTNGPROCEDURE : Posting Procedure
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • PROCESS : Process
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • PROCESSGUID : Generic Key of Process
    Its data type is RAW (Byte string) with field length 16
  • PROCESSID : Process Identification -> Accounting Reference Number
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 16
  • FISC_YEAR : Fiscal Year
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 4
  • PSTNGPERIOD : Posting Period
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 2
  • PSTNGDATE : Posting Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • DOCDATE : Document Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • ACCSYSTYPE : Type of Accounting System
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • REFDOCID : Reference Key of Document
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 20
  • LOGSYSTEM : Logical System
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • REVID : Indicator for Reversed Documents
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • REVDOCGUID : GUID: Internal Key for Accompanying Reversal Document
    Its data type is RAW (Byte string) with field length 16
  • STATUS : RE Document Status
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • TAXID : Tax Exists
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • HASGLACCSYMB : Indicator: Account Symbol
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
    Its data type is RAW (Byte string) with field length 16
  • .INCLUDE : Field String for Maintenance of User Data
  • RERF : Entered by
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • DERF : First Entered on
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • TERF : Time of Initial Entry
    Its data type is TIMS (Time (Time: HHMMSS)) with field length 6
  • REHER : Source of initial entry
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • RBEAR : Employee ID
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • DBEAR : Last Edited on
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • TBEAR : Last Edited at
    Its data type is TIMS (Time (Time: HHMMSS)) with field length 6
  • RBHER : Editing Source
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • FDELETE : Deletion Indicator for Archiving
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • CTRULE : Currency Translation Rule
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 20
  • CTRATE : Exchange Rate
    Its data type is DEC (Packed number (number with fixed number of decimal places)) with field length 9
  • POSTCDCURR : Post in Condition Currency
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • CTDATEREQ : Planned Translation Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • CTDATEACT : Actual Translation Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • CTFCCURRKEY : Foreign Currency
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5