VIEINHWJ SAP table for – LUM: Einheitswertbescheid – jahresabhängige Daten

Here we would like to draw your attention to VIEINHWJ table in SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP RE-FX (Flexible Real Estate Management in RE) component which is coming under RE module (Real Estate Management). VIEINHWJ is a SAP standard transp table used for storing LUM: Einheitswertbescheid – jahresabhängige Daten related data in SAP. It comes under the package RE_MI_LU.


Table VIEINHWJ technical data

Data storingLUM: Einheitswertbescheid – jahresabhängige Daten
Sub ModuleRE-FX
Delivery ClassA – Application table (master and transaction data)
Table CategoryTRANSP


Here is the details of each fields in this SAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in VIEINHWJ table.

  • MANDT : Client
    Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3
  • INTRENO : Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
    Its a key field. Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 13
  • EINHWYEAR : Gültig-ab-Jahr
    Its a key field. Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 4
  • EINHWYEAREND : Gültig-bis-Jahr
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 4
  • EINHWDATE : Einheitswert: Bescheiddatum des Einheitswertes
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • EINHWERT : Einheitswert GrSt
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • EINHWERTWAER : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • EINHWERT2 : Einheitswert GrSt
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • EINHWERTWAER2 : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • STEUERMBETRAG : GrSt-Messbetrag
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • STEUERMWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • STEUERMBETRAG2 : GrSt-Messbetrag
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • STEUERMWAEHR2 : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • EINHWBEWG : Einheitswert nach Bewertungsgesetz (BewG)
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • EINHWBEWGWAEH : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • EINHWBEWG2 : Einheitswert nach Bewertungsgesetz (BewG)
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • EINHWBEWGWAEH2 : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • FLAECHE : Gesamtgröße der Fläche
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • GRART : Grundstücksart im Einheitswertbescheid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • LAGE1 : Einheitswert: Lagebezeichnung
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 60
  • LAGE2 : Einheitswert: Lagebezeichnung
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 60
  • SUCH : Einheitswert: freier Suchbegriff
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 35
  • LAGE1_MC : Einheitswert: Lagebezeichnung
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 60
  • LAGE2_MC : Einheitswert: Lagebezeichnung
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 60
  • SUCH_MC : Einheitswert: freier Suchbegriff
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 35
  • EIGENTUEMER : Business Partner Number
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • .INCLUDE : LUM: Einheitswert – Jahreswerte Erweiterung
  • SFEART_EW : Feststellungsart im Einheitswertbescheid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • SBV_EW : Besitzverhaeltnis im Einheitswertbescheid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • SVFART_EW : Verfahrensart im Einheitswertbescheid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • FLAECHE_ZONE1 : Fläche Zone 1
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS1 : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • WERT_ZONE1 : Wert/qm Zone 1
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • WERT1WAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • FLAECHE_ZONE2 : Fläche Zone 2
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS2 : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • WERT_ZONE2 : Wert/qm Zone 2
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • WERT2WAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • FLAECHE_ZONE3 : Fläche Zone 3
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS3 : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • WERT_ZONE3 : Wert/qm Zone 3
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • WERT3WAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • BODWERT : Bodenwert
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • BODWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • GEBWERT : Gebäudewert
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • GEBWERTWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • AUANWERT : Wert Aussenanlagen
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • AUANWERTWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • AUSGSWERT : Ausgangswert
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • AUSGSWERTWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • WERTZAHL : Wertzahl
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 3
  • BODANT : Bodenwertanteil
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • BODANTWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • GEBANT : Gebäudewertanteil
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • GEBANTWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • FLAECHE_LW : Fläche landwirtschaftlich genutzt
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS_LW : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • FLAECHE_HOF : Fläche Hof und Gebäude
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS_HOF : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • FLAECHE_FORST : Fläche forstwirtschaftlich genutzt
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS_FORST : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • FLAECHE_GERING : Fläche Geringstland
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS_GERING : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • FLAECHE_UNL : Fläche Unlandfläche
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 14
  • FEINS_UNL : Area unit
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • USCHBETRAG : Unterschiedsbetrag
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 11
  • USCHBETRAGWAEHR : Currency Key
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5