SAP Benefits in PA (PA-BN) Tables Full list

Here is a list of important 261 SAP standard tables used with SAP Benefits in PA component (SAP PA-BN) coming under SAP PA (Personnel Management) Module. You will get more technical details of these SAP PA-BN tables by clicking on the respective table name link.

HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries)

HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans)

HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments)

HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.)

HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans)

HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation)

HR Master Record – Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct)

HR Master Record: Infotype 0717

HR Master Record: Infotype 0718

Benefit plan type

Benefit plan status

Benefit area

Benefit eligibility grouping

Benefit cost grouping

Benefit Standard Health Selection

Benefit standard insurance selection

Benefit second program grouping

Benefit plan

Benefit health option/dependent coverage assignment

To be deleted – no longer used!

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit Health Plan Option

Benefit dependent coverage

Benefit Flexible Spending Account

Benefit cost rule variant

Benefit cost rule

Benefit age group for calculating imputed income

Benefit Salary Group

Benefit age group

Benefit seniority group

Benefit investment

Benefit investment group

Benefits investment/investment group assignment

Benefit calculation factor for imputed income

Benefit vesting rule

Benefit vested portion

Benefit first program grouping

Benefit program

Benefit eligibility rule

Benefit provider

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefits Parameter Group

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit plan type texts

Benefit area texts

Benefit eligibility grouping texts

Benefits cost grouping texts

Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts

Benefit plan texts

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit health plan option texts

Benefit dependent coverage texts

Benefit cost rule variant texts

Benefit imputed income age group texts

Benefit salary group texts

Benefit age group texts

Benefit seniority group texts

Benefit investment texts

Benefit investment group texts

Benefit vesting rule texts

Benefit first program grouping texts

Benefit eligibility rules texts

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit parameter group texts

Benefit area currency

COBRA beneficiary

COBRA maximum coverage period

COBRA administrative data

COBRA events / personnel action assignment

COBRA early termination reason

Benefit receipt type

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To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit credit grouping

To be deleted – no longer used!

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit termination rule

Benefit termination grouping

Benefit Termination Rule Variant

Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant

COBRA early termination reason

Benefit payment receipt type texts

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit credit grouping texts

Benefits Termination Type Texts

Benefit termination rule variant texts

COBRA Reasons for Coverage Unavailability

COBRA Reasons for Coverage Unavailability

COBRA-qualified dependent/plan type assignment

COBRA dependent of qualified beneficiary

Benefit adjustment grouping

Benefits insurance coverage grouping

Benefit employer contribution grouping

Benefit employee contribution grouping

Benefit insurance plan

Benefits Coverage Rule Variant

Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule

Benefit Savings Plan

Benefit employer contribution rule variant

Benefit employee contribution rule variant

Benefit employee contribution rule

Benefit credit plan

Benefit credit rule variant

Benefit credit rule

Benefit miscellaneous plan

Benefit Standard Savings Selection

Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection

Benefit standard credit selection

Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection

Benefit standard stock purchase selection

Benefit evidence of insurability

Benefit evidence of insurability option assignment

Benefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment

Benefit combined coverage limit

Benefit combined coverage limit expression

Benefit combined contribution limit

Benefit combined contribution limit expression

Benefit prerequisite plan

Benefit corequisite plan

Benefit adjustment grouping text

Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts

Benefit employer contribution grouping texts

Benefit employee contribution grouping texts

Benefit insurance plan texts

Benefit insurance coverage rule variant texts

Benefit employer contribution rule variant texts

Benefit employee contribution rule variant texts

Benefit credit rule variant texts

Benefit miscellaneous plan texts

Benefit combined coverage limit text

Benefit combined contribution limit text

Benefit adjustment reason

Benefit adjustment authorization

Benefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment

Benefit stock purchase plan

Benefit payment model assignment

Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility

Benefit Family Member Grouping

To be deleted – no longer used!

Benefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment

Benefit zip code group

Benefit zip code group assignment

Benefit forms

Benefit Compensation Model

Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model

Benefit Equivalent Length of Service

Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet

Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype

Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant

Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule

COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries

Benefit adjustment reason text

Benefits – Family Member Grouping Text

Benefit zip code group text

Benefit Compensation Model Text

Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text

Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Rule Variant Text

Benefit request category

Benefit request category text

Benefit point account type

Benefit point account type text

Benefit point account attributes entity

Benefit point account attributes entity text

Benefit additional point rule variant

Benefit additional point rule variant text

Benefit point grouping

Benefit point grouping text

Benefit additional point rule

Benefit point account attribute

Benefit request type

Benefit request type text

Benefit request type limit rule variant

Benefit request type limit rule variant text

Benefit request type limit grouping

Benefit request type limit grouping text

Benefit request type limit rule

Benefit request type attributes

Benefit request type option

Benefit request type option text

Benefit point conversion rule

Benefit point conversion rule text

Benefit request employee eligibility grouping

Benefit request employee eligibility grouping text

Benefit request dependent eligibility grouping

Benefit request employee eligibility grouping text

Benefit request type eligibility rule

Benefit request type catalog

Benefit request purpose

Benefit request purpose text

Benefit request detail status

Benefit request detail status text

Benefit request type allowed absence types

Benefit request type eligibility rule attribute

Benefit Personal Adjustment Reason

Benefit Personal Adjustment Reason Text

Benefit Assignment Personal Adjustment Reason

Flexible Benefits Plan Type Attribute

Flexible Benefits Plan Indicator

Flexible Benefits Plan Indicator Description

Flexible Benefits Scheme Attribute

Flexible Benefits ComCar Infotype Records’ Date Indicator

Number of Holiday Buying or Selling for Holiday Plan

Flexible Benefits Holiday Buying or Selling Limitation

Holiday Buying/Belling Grouping

Holiday buying/selling grouping description

Flexible Benefits Holiday Plan Quota & Wage Type Setting

Annual Tax Free Boundary

Benefit Plan Option Jump Assignment

Event Attribute for Flexible Benefits

Buying/Selling Holiday Factor

Additional funding limitation

Benefit Insurance Plan Option Relevant Family

Benefit Plan Relationship for Provider Report

Define Corequisite Insurance Plan Options Check

Annual Flexible Benefits Plan Cost Pro-rate for New Starter

Define Corequisite Insurance Plan Options Check(Enhancement)

Flexible Benefits National Insurance Neutrality

Flexible Benefits Plan General Attribute (GB)

Flexible Benefits Plan Company Car Attribute (GB)

Flexible Benefits Plan GB Pension Attribute

Flexible Benefits Employee Pension Contribution Rule (GB)

Assign NI neutrality difference wage type

Flexible Benefits Cost Period for Company Car (GB)

Option Salary Sacrifice of Flexible Benefit Plan GB Pension

Assign wage type for Additional. funding

Email Data for GB Flexible Benefit

Wage Type Assignment to Claim Plan

Assignment of Claim formula to Program

Claim variant for Program

Text tabla for Claim formula for Program

Claim rule for Program

Claim variant for Plan

Text table for claim formula for Plan

Claim rule for Plan

Assignment of Claim formula and Panel doctors to Claim Plan

Dependent Cover for Claims

Dependent Cover Texts

Assign family member to dependent coverage for claims

Doctors details

Text table for Panel of Doctors

Grouping of Doctors to Panel

Claims processing Balance table

Panel of Doctors

Claims groupingss for plan

Texts Claims groups for plan

Claims groupings for program

Texts Claims groups for program

Claims processing transaction table

Click here to know details about SAP transaction codes used with Benefits in PA.