CACS_TGRATV SAP table for – Target Agreements: Generic Actual/Target Values

Here we would like to draw your attention to CACS_TGRATV table in SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP ICM (Incentive and Commission Management) component which is coming under HR (HCM) ICM module (Incentive and Commission Management). CACS_TGRATV is a SAP standard transp table used for storing Target Agreements: Generic Actual/Target Values related data in SAP. It comes under the package CACST3.


Table CACS_TGRATV technical data

Data storingTarget Agreements: Generic Actual/Target Values
Sub ModuleICM
Delivery ClassA – Application table (master and transaction data)
Table CategoryTRANSP


Here is the details of each fields in this SAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in CACS_TGRATV table.

  • MANDT : Client
    Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3
  • APPL : Commission Application (ICM)
    Its a key field. Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 6
  • RULEGUID : Target Agreements: Target Rule GUID
    Its a key field. Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 22
  • STGTTYPE : Target Agreements: Elementary Target Types
    Its a key field. Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 4
  • VERSION : Version of Master Data or Customizing Object
    Its a key field. Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 6
  • TAR_QUAN : Target Agreements: Target Value (Quantity)
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 13
  • TAR_CURR : Target Agreements: Target Value (Amount)
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 15
  • TAR_MAINT : Target Agreements: Value Maintained Indicator
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • ACT_QUAN : Target Agreements: Actual Value (Quantity)
    Its data type is QUAN (Quantity field) with field length 13
  • ACT_CURR : Target Agreements: Actual Value (Amount)
    Its data type is CURR (Currency Field) with field length 15
  • ACT_MAINT : Target Agreements: Value Maintained Indicator
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • MEINS : Target Agreement: Unit of Measurement
    Its data type is UNIT (Unit key for a Quantity field) with field length 3
  • WAERS : Target Agreement: Currency
    Its data type is CUKY (Currency key for a currency field) with field length 5
  • .INCLUDE : Version Management for Master Data
  • .INCLUDE : Version Management for Customizing Data
  • BUSI_BEGIN : Effective from
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 14
  • BUSI_END : Effective Until (Time Stamp: YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss)
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 14
  • TECH_BEGIN : Technically Valid From
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 14
  • TECH_END : Technically Valid To (Time Stamp: JJJJ.MM.TT hh:mm:ss)
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 14
  • FLG_CANCEL_OBJ : Indicator: Object is Invalid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • FLG_CANCEL_VERS : Indicator: Version is Invalid
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • .INCLUDE : Comn: Process Administration/Version Management
  • .INCLUDE : Change Log for Object
  • CHG_TCODE : Transaction in Which the Change Was Made
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 20
  • CHG_USR : Last user to change object
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • TRI_METH_TYP : Triggering Method
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • TRI_METH_TARGET : Processing Target of Triggering Method
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • STATUS_VERSION : Object Version Status
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • STATUS_WORK : Object Version Processing Status
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1