S_AHR_61015724 SAP tcode for – Paydays on Holidays or Weekends

Here we would like to draw your attention to S_AHR_61015724 transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAP CA (Cross Application) module. S_AHR_61015724 is a transaction code used for Paydays on Holidays or Weekends in SAP.

SAP S_AHR_61015724 transaction code

It comes under the package RTTREE_AHR.

SAP S_AHR_61015724 menu path

See the possible menu paths to access the same report by avoiding entering the transaction code.
Path 1
Human Resources → Payroll → Americas → Brazil → Information system → Payment date → public holidays/weekends payment days

Transaction S_AHR_61015724 technical data table

PurposePaydays on Holidays or Weekends